Where Does Our Coffee Come From?

Pinetop Coffee House & RGB Roasting Company orders coffee beans from all over the world through our trusted importers. Our expert roaster, Beth, has composed 6 different blends using coffee beans from Sumatra, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Brazil, Sidamo, and Papua New Guinea.
Our Navajo blend is a light to medium roast blended with coffee beans from Sumatra and Costa Rica. This blend is full in flavor and body, while low in acidity.
Our Coconino blend is a medium roast with coffee beans from Sumatra and Costa Rica, as well. This blend is very hearty, with heightened flavor and body, and low acidity.
Our Apache blend is a dark roast made up of coffee beans from Sumatra and Ethiopia. This blend has a rich aroma and body, topped off with a smooth finish.
Our Cochise blend is a dark roast with coffee beans from Guatemala and Costa Rica. This blend has an intense dark flavor, smooth body, and rich aroma.
Our Maricopa blend is a medium to dark espresso blend consisting of coffee beans from Ethiopia and Brazil. This roast has a smooth, full body taste.
And our Greenlee decaf roast is blended with coffee beans from Sidamo and Papua New Guinea. This is our decaffeinated, medium roast with a rich aroma and body, topped off with a smooth finish.
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